Slow Is Fast

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                      Emotion - Festival des architectures vives
                      10 €

                      Du 13 au 18 juin, le 12e Festival des architectures vives (FAV) propose aux Montpelliérains de découvrir des installations éphémères dans les cours de douze hôtels particuliers du centre-ville. L'événement, organisé par deux architectes montpelliérains, propose au grand public un regard nouveau sur l'architecture. Tout en offrant une possibilité d'expression à de jeunes créateurs.

                      «Il s'agit de montrer au public comment, en manipulant l'espace, la lumière et les matériaux, on peut créer des émotions dans des lieux eux-mêmes chargés d'émotion», résume Elodie Nourrigat, l'un des deux promoteurs, avec son associé Jacques Brion, du Festival des architectures vives (FAV).

                      FRANÇAIS / ANGLAIS

                      L'architecture - 1. Postmodernités - Poche
                      L'architecture - 1. Postmodernités - Poche
                      10 €

                      Les années 1980, auxquelles ce volume est consacré, furent un moment charnière de l'histoire de l'architecture. Face à la nécessité de dépasser le modèle devenu trop rigide du modernisme fonctionnaliste, les postmodernes esquissèrent des pistes contradictoires. Elles débouchèrent sur un conflit latent entre les partisans d'un nouvel historicisme, bientôt relégué au rang de pastiche, et ceux qui, brandissant leurs approches dissonantes et dynamiques, seront appelés déconstructivistes. Ce recueil de textes et d'entretiens fait ainsi apparaître les tensions idéologiques qui ont conditionné l'émergence des postmodernités architecturales.

                      Textes et interviews de Ricardo Bofill, Peter Eisenman, Vittorio Gregotti, Arata Isozaki, Rem Koolhaas, Jean Nouvel, Dominique Perrault, Renzo Piano, Christian de Portzamparc, Richard Rogers, SITE, Bernard Tschumi. Par Chantal Béret, Sanda Miller et Catherine Millet.
                      Préface de Christophe Catsaros.

                      Mobilité et architecture
                      15 €

                      À partir de sa collection unique sur l'art et l'architecture, le Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain de la région Centre (FRAC Centre) lança en 2005 un projet de deux ans intitulé «Mobilité et architecture» à l'intention des élèves de la région Centre, du premier degré à l'enseignement supérieur. Rencontres, expositions, conférences, ateliers, ont ponctué la découverte d'une architecture contemporaine, expérimentale et prospective. Aboutissement de ce projet, ce livre rassemble les synthèses des projets pédagogiques menés sur ce thème, en regard de présentations thématiques d'oeuvres d'architectes et d'artistes de la collection, offrant ainsi des clés pour une meilleure compréhension des enjeux de la mobilité en architecture. Cet ouvrage s'articule autour de trois axes : « architecture mobile », « architecture évolutive », « déplacement du corps dans l'architecture et l'espace urbain ».

                      Ce livre s'adresse à tous les enseignants intéressés par l'architecture et l'urbanisme avec l'ambition d'être une source d'inspiration pour de nouveaux projets. Il est accompagné d'un CDrom contenant une banque de données visuelles relative à la collection «Art et Architecture» du FRAC Centre ainsi que des notices sur les oeuvres pour une utilisation en classe comme support de référence.
                      Il comprend 1 CDrom Acrobat reader 7.0

                      Out of the Box! Brand Experiences between Pop-Up and Flagship
                      56 €

                      Innovative brand presentations from temporary pop-up shops to flagship stores. The way in which we experience and consume brands is changing more rapidly today than ever before.
                      The strong influence of e-commerce and the digital realm is forcing brands to rethink the traditional presentation of their wares in conventional stores. More and more companies throughout the world are exploring new concepts for the sale and presentation of their products, or they are establishing events to boost brand image.
                      They are increasingly searching for new ways to offer their customers brand experiences on an emotional level. Out of the Box! is an inspirational collection of solutions from around the globe that allow us to experience brands in unique ways.
                      These range from flagship stores, in which a vision for a brand image is implemented in real space, to makeshift pop-up shops, which celebrate the essence of a brand for a targeted audience or timeframe. The book also explores how novel approaches--including, for example, thematic sales areas in concept stores, formats that mix galleries with boutiques, mobile retail units, and event locations--are blazing all kinds of trails in current brand communication.

                      With 288 pages brimming with international examples, Out of the Box! shows architects, brand managers, graphic designers, and interior designers how they can effectively establish their brands in the real world in a way that results in unforgettable emotional experiences for discerning, internet-minded customers.

                      Re-play architecture
                      39,20 €

                      Conceived by the Union of Architecture University in Seoul (UAUS), this book examines the environmental impact of discarding of rubbish, and how architecture can address this issue.
                      The construction industry accounts for roughly a third of all waste. Finding alternatives to the existing forms of redevelopment and reconstruction involving demolishing and rebuilding means proposing new uses for these materials as well.
                      The theme of the 5th exhibition of UAUS, Recycling, Never Wasting Architecture, gave students from each of the nineteen affiliated universities the opportunity to design and realise pavilions using recycled materials, all of which are documented here.

                      Rethinking happiness
                      16 €

                      Questo volume raccoglie quattro esempi progettuali che affrontano il tema delle nuove comunità possibili. Quattro racconti per parole, immagini e suggestioni sulle potenzialità del progettare il quotidiano. L'esperienza di ''Rethinking Happiness'' si è infatti riproposta di ''azzerare'' l'osservazione di un modello di sviluppo urbano, ripartire da una situazione di ''tabula rasa'' e ridefinire bisogni, abitudini, attività e sogni rispetto alle nuove coordinate del presente.
                      In altre parole, ragionare su un'aggiornata idea di contemporaneità in un laboratorio aperto al contributo di economisti, sociologi, architetti, designer, urbanisti, paesaggisti e semplici cittadini chiamati a collaborare alla progettazione dell'identità di uno spazio.
                      Le singole discipline infatti, in mancanza di visioni generali a monte, non sembrano più in grado di fornire da sole delle risposte in grado di spiegare ''come'' e ''a che condizioni'' si possano operare delle trasformazioni sul tessuto del contemporaneo. Rethinking Happiness è un progetto presentato presso la 12° Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia a cura di Kazuyo Sejima.

                      The book contains four sample projects for new-style communities. Four stories told through words, pictures and suggestions about the design potential surrounding everyday living. The experience of ''Rethinking Happiness'' aims to reset the concept of the urban development model and to start again from scratch, redefining needs, habits and dreams in tune with present day requirements.
                      In other words, it will be looking at an updated model of contemporary life during a workshop open to economists, sociologists, architects, designers, town planners, landscape designers and simple citizens invited to participate in giving an area a new identity.
                      In the absence of a general overview the single disciplines no longer appear able to provide answers as to ''how'' and ''on what conditions'' our contemporary structure can be transformed.
                      Rethinking Happiness will be presented at the 12th International Exhibition of Architecture in Venice curated by Kazuyo Sejima.
                      Aldo Cibic trained in Milan under Ettore Sottsass. In 1980 he became a partner at ''Sottsass Associati'', and later at ''Memphis''. ''Cibic&Partners'' studio still operates in the field of architecture, interior design and design projects in Italy and abroad. Cibic is associated with the Domus Academy, Milan Polytechnic, the IUAV University of Venice and the Tongji University in Shanghai, where he is an honorary professor.

                      Robert venturi denise scott-brown learning from las vegas (revised edition)
                      33 €

                      Learning from Las Vegas created a healthy controversy on its appearance in 1972, calling for architects to be more receptive to the tastes and values of "common" people and less immodest in their erections of "heroic," self-aggrandizing monuments. This revision includes the full texts of Part I of the original, on the Las Vegas strip, and Part II, "Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed," a generalization from the findings of the first part on symbolism in architecture and the iconography of urban sprawl. (The final part of the first edition, on the architectural work of the firm Venturi and Rauch, is not included in the revision.) The new paperback edition has a smaller format, fewer pictures, and a considerably lower price than the original. There are an added preface by Scott Brown and a bibliography of writings by the members of Venturi and Rauch and about the firm''s work.